Now ..3 locations ***All Skates are Sharpened by Hand**
Angus Glen CC + 15 - 280 Yorktech Dr.+Thornhill CC
Copyright © Markham Sk8 Shop 905-604-5352. All rights reserved.
who have both been trained and certified by John Lake from J-Tek Manufacturing. John Lake is considered a pioneer in the skate sharpening trade and is recognized internationally as one of the best skate and equipment technicians in the world. John has serviced skates for the likes of Kevin Weekes, Carey Price and many other current and past NHL players.
In 2013, Rick and Joe was fortunate enough to be trained by the legendary Sid Broadbent in the art of Figure Skate sharpening. Since 2013, Rick and Joe have been sharpening competitive figure skates for many of the club skaters from Markham, Unionville, Richmond Hill and Thornhill.
Rick and Joe combined bring over 30+ years of corporate work experience to this initiative. They both understand the commitment and professionalism that is required to operate a “First Class” service business. They are strong believers of making every customer experience legendary and consistently strive for 100% customer satisfaction.