Now ..3 locations ***All Skates are Sharpened by Hand**

​Angus Glen CC + 15 - 280 Yorktech Dr.+Thornhill CC

Markham Sk8 Shop

Copyright © Markham Sk8 Shop 905-604-5352. All rights reserved.

Benefits of Performance Skate Sharpening:

  • Tailored ROH to Match Skill Level

  • Improve Speed & Glide

  • Enhance Balance & Control

  • Increase Acceleration & Confidence

  • Perfect Balance Edges Every Time

Cag One Skate Profile 

Used by many current NHL teams, Cag One skate profiling is an automated system of shaping skates to the individual specifications of each skater. Skates directly out of the box from the factory are inconsistent, and in a majority of cases have the incorrect blade position for the individual skater.  All skates should be profiled regardless of brand or cost to ensure proper optimization of skate stride efficiency.

Please note - We do not use free hand grinding to profile your precious skates.


The concept to have skate blade profiled is to accurately position the balance point of the foot onto each skate blade.  When done correctly (centre pic below) it results in an increase skate blade to ice ratio providing increased speed, and maximum stability and maneuverability.

Performance Skate Sharpening - Hockey & Goalie

Elevate your game to a new level by ensuring your skates are professionally sharpened. Our sharpening process involves conventional Radius of Hollow (ROH) from 3/8” to 1”.